In Finding the Feeling Of Gratitude: Go Big, Or Go Small

One of the most common obstacles people come across with their gratitude practice is the question of whether or not they are “doing it right.” I have many friends and clients who have begun a practice, bought a special journal, and intend to write 3-5 things down each morning or night that they are grateful for. So far, so good, right? Then they come to me asking: “I’m not sure if I truly felt grateful.” Or, “I felt pleased about certain events of my day, but I didn’t feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude” “I’m struggling to figure out what I’m supposed to be feeling” And similar statements… It’s happened enough times that I thought I’d include a blog post about it to set the record straight. Gratitude may seem like a simple enough emotion, but it is, in fact, quite a high vibrating feeling that not everybody can reach in seconds. Sometimes this is because you’re trying too hard or overthinking it and sometimes it’s because genuinely you’re in a rough patch and feeling grateful just...