How to teach a child to read

Small children's ability to learn is much greater than that of adults, and children's brains develop most up to 6 years of age. Your child can learn to read as easily as it can learn to speak. 

Toddler Word Level Predicts Success

Did you know kids prepare for their reading education years before even reading their first book?
That’s because 90% of a child’s brain is developed by age three. 

That means that by age three, a child’s vocabulary can predict third-grade reading proficiency.

That’s why it’s so important to get started early using a system that works for kids!

A child can absorb far more information than adults, and it is inquisitive and curious about life. The children who can fluent in several languages, teaches them often before the age of 6 years. 

=> Discover The #1 Subject Every Parent Needs To Teach Their Child At The Youngest Age Possible

Why should I teach my child to read?

Most consider reading at an early age to be completely unattainable, and many do not wish such a development.

Why? Maybe because we assume that children can learn to read and write before starting school in ways that would interfere with their development by over stimulating the intellect and at the expense of emotion, body and social skills.

We can well understand why parents think that children time enough to learn to read, if it is to take place as planned and systematic teaching with learning the alphabet and sounds before actual words. It is much harder, and small children are not ready for it. 

We live in a highly developed written society where the written word is such an integral part of daily life that we do not think about how often we read every day. 

At the same time, children are younger and younger when they get mobile phones and computers, which they cannot use unless they can read and write. 

We live in a communication community with chat, search on the internet, Facebook and text messaging - it should be our children enjoy and benefit from.

If all adults knew how to exploit the many spontaneous learning situations that arise in the company of children, would very different. 

Do you help your child to read?

How do you give your child reading?

We think that it is important that the child gets a feeling that it's fun to learn. 

Tell the child about what is different places that you encounter in everyday life and the child will quietly begin to take an interest in words and ask what it says.

A good idea is to involve the child, when writing shopping lists, sticky notes, short messages or the like. Make it exciting and fun.

The children are also reading by watching their parents read and to read aloud. When you read aloud, you can point to the text and show where there are key names and words.This child will become aware of the text and not just images.

37% of children today enter Kindergarten without the skills necessary to begin their learning journey and that’s troubling.
By the end of first grade, kids are expected to ask questions and remember story details.

My recommend reading program that requires you, the parent, to be involved. But the results are absolutely amazing.

SCISSOR SKILLS ACTIVITY BOOK: Scissor Skill for Toddlers Age 2-4 Paperback 

This activity book is for toddlers to develop scissor skills as part of their fine motor development. First of all , you need to have some safe toddler scissors(not included in this book). Show your child how to use scissors and giving them supervised practice will help them to develop fine motor and visual motor skills. This is a simple fun cutting practice for lines and shapes only. 49 pages of cutting practice of book size 8.5 x 11 inches.

Letter Tracing Book for Kids Age 3 to 5 Paperback


Letter Tracing Book for Kids is suitable for children age 3 and up to learn the letters of the alphabet and practice their handwriting. This book consists of 93 pages of letters and numbers(1-10) for tracing. 4 colouring pages to brighten up if they are boring in handwriting. Size 8.5 x 11 inches in matt finish cover.

Please visit  for more activity books for kids.


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