
Showing posts from August, 2020

10 Ways Gratitude Is A Major Life-Changer

You’ve probably heard this by now, but being grateful is life-changing. There’s no wonder it’s become a trend to make lists of things you are grateful for and appreciate what we have. But do you know why and how giving thanks can positively transform your life? I don’t agree with having positive thoughts all the time. That can be very stressful! We are all just human beings trying to survive in a chaotic world, anyway. It’s perfectly fine to have a negative thought occasionally! The aim should not be to try and control all your thoughts, but to cultivate a positive attitude that becomes your default. When you practice positive thinking, you can relax the constant monitoring of your thoughts. One of the best ways that I have found to cultivate positivity is through gratitude. Here are 10 ways gratitude can improve your life! 1. Gratitude increases mental strength Studies show that practicing gratitude can boost your happiness and resilience. (Regular gratitude practice me...

Journal Writing - 5 Ways Your Journal Builds Your Income

Want to make more money writing? You can, if you start a writing journal. Journal writing is a great way to increase your writing income and to collect and harvest ideas. My Goal Journal I'm always amazed at the number of writers who resist journal writing, thinking that it's a waste of time. On the contrary, journal writing is a way to record your life at one particular moment in time. Reading back over your journal entries will give you fresh ideas which will increase your writing income today. So let's look at five ways in which your journal writing builds your writing income. 1. Create Goals for Your Writing and Writing Income Do you have writing goals? Whether you do, or you don't, take a moment right now and record your five primary writing goals in your journal. Recording your goals is actually all you need to do -- the achievement pretty much happens by itself... with the help of your journal. 2. Write About Your Goals Every Day Writing about your goal...

10 Reasons Why A Gratitude Journal Could Be Your Best Idea Ever (And Why You'll Want To Start Today)

We have all heard about the 'attitude of gratitude' and how we're 'supposed' to think positive thoughts. But how on earth do you do it? How do you take the 'stuff' that life throws your way and turn it into smiles instead of sulking? Here are 10 reasons why you might want to use a gratitude journal to help you with all of this - and why you'll want to make a start today. Gratitude Journal for Women A gratitude journa l can be an elaborate book with a beautiful cover, or it can be a simple notebook, it doesn't really matter. What counts is that you write in it regularly - and keep it somewhere that you can review it, whenever you want to. Here are 10 reasons to keep a gratitude journal - and how it can change your life, starting today! It's fun! Keeping a gratitude journal is fun! Just imagine doing it every day for a year and then looking back to experience the great stuff that happened in your life! Sure that's worth a few minutes of...

Encouraging Creativity In Children

All children are born with the potential to be creative. However, their potential can be stifled if we do not take the care to stimulate and nurture that creativity.  Our creativity shows who we are as a unique individual. Have you heard the saying - "there is no such thing as can't."  We can and we will! Creativity is an important facet to any personality. It enables to see things in a different and unusual way. This is an important problem-solving skill throughout anyone's lifetime - the ability to think of different alternatives to solve a problem. Or to see problems other may not have noticed and come up with effective solutions to those problems. What is creativity? Activity What do you think creativity is? Write a list or short paragraph of how you would define creativity. What is Creativity? Creativity is originality, expressiveness, imaginative, to give rise to, to produce, to portray, to give character to, to evolve from one's own thou...

How to Teach Your Kids to Read Before They Start School

Anyone can teach a child to read without an educational gadget or any formal training or course; when my part-time nanny showed my 16 month old the letter " A " and told her what it was.  I was surprised to find the next day that she had remembered it. I had read somewhere many years ago before I had children that being a strong reader was a great foundation for overall success at school so on the realisation, that my daughter could recognize letters at such a young age.  I made a decision to keep teaching her the alphabet and would eventually teach her to read at the age of 3.5. It could have happened a lot sooner but I made a commitment to make it fun and turn it into a game we would play no more than 5 mins a day.  You can teach your child to read too following my Simple 5 step formula below:  1. Start at 14 months   Sing the ABC song and get your child to try and repeat it....Keep singing until they are able to sing it back ........(You mu...

50 Things To Do To Your Boss That Are Fun For You, But Not For Them

I Survived another meeting that should have been an email 1. You're eavesdropping and you hear your boss has reservations at his favorite restaurant. You know, the one you can't afford. Call them back and cancel his reservations - say you're his wife. 2. Have a friend of yours make an anonymous call to your boss saying that they know what he has been up to, possess incriminating pictures, and hang up. It will scare the bejesus out of him. 3. Put chocolate ex-lax in your manager's chocolate licorice. Not only will you feel better, it may wipe that constipated look off of his face too. 4. Call the local Mormon or Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints church and ask that they visit your house soon, only give them your manager's home address. 5. Every time your boss asks you a question, just look at him and say "interesting" and go back to what you were working on. 6. Take your eyeliner and smears it in his chair when he's not looking. His wife will feel n...

Tips to Teach Your Little Kids to Read

As a parent, you will be the one who is responsible for the growth of your children. Make sure that you give the best education for your children. You can start teaching them to read as early as possible. If you have no idea on how to teach your children to read, we have the following tips. First thing you should do is to make your little kids familiar with books. Read to them everyday. Don't wait until they seem to have ability in understanding words and sentences. Though they have not understood what you are talking about, they can learn to talk and think by this process. Besides, getting accustomed to books as early as possible can lead them to a reading habit when they grow up later. Reading to them daily will make them see that reading is important. Thus, your little kids will be more interested in learning how to read themselves. It probably sounds like, "Mom and Dad can read. I can too." Move your fingers along the word when you read to your little kids that...

How to Teach Kids to Read

One of the best ways to teach children to read is by using flash cards. These are simply cards with letters or words on them that act as a teaching aid when parents spend time telling their children about them. It's always good to have a visual aid with you when teaching letters, as otherwise a child can lose attention very quickly, meaning nothing that a parent says to them will stick in their heads. Scrapbooks can also help a child to learn new sounds and letters. By taking cuttings from magazines or pictures of certain objects in real life and putting them in a scrapbook with the letters of the word underneath, a child can get a much better grip of what that word is. Children can develop this scrapbook with their parents, picking out things they want to learn how to spell properly to go in their book. Tracing letters is another way to encourage children in reading. By tracing the words from a book they will learn what letters look like and what certain sounds look like,...

How to teach your child to read

You can make teaching your child to read a very easy process when you know how learning happens in the brain. It works the same way for young children as for adults but because all  their  learning is new; it is important for you to understand the process. Below I will explain the two main processes of learning and later on I will tell you how you can apply this to teaching your child to read . We have only recently discovered how these two processes, Myelination and Mirror Neurons, work through the improvement and use of imaging technology. Mirror neurons When you perform an action, like walking, talking, writing, reading or playing the piano, the neurons in your brain will fire, sending signals to the various brain regions and muscles along the nervous system. A mirror neuron will, however, fire when you are observing an action; in other words, when you are watching someone else perform an action, your brain acts like it is  you  who is performing the a...