Journal Writing - 5 Ways Your Journal Builds Your Income

Want to make more money writing? You can, if you start a writing journal. Journal writing is a great way to increase your writing income and to collect and harvest ideas.

My Goal Journal
I'm always amazed at the number of writers who resist journal writing, thinking that it's a waste of time.

On the contrary, journal writing is a way to record your life at one particular moment in time. Reading back over your journal entries will give you fresh ideas which will increase your writing income today.

So let's look at five ways in which your journal writing builds your writing income.

1. Create Goals for Your Writing and Writing Income
Do you have writing goals? Whether you do, or you don't, take a moment right now and record your five primary writing goals in your journal.
Recording your goals is actually all you need to do -- the achievement pretty much happens by itself... with the help of your journal.

2. Write About Your Goals Every Day
Writing about your goals is important. It makes them real to you.
We tend to forget our goals, and your journal is a great place to bring your goals to mind. Write about your goals every day. Imagine how you'll feel when you've achieved a goal. Write about what you'll be doing when you've achieved a goal.

3. Expect to Be Surprised - 
Follow Impulses Which Arise from Your Journal.
Making money writing is largely a matter of instinct. However the intuitions which arise easily fade from mind. You need a way to record your into intuitive insights and your journal is the ideal place.
If you find an idea which keeps reappearing in your journal, it is a good indication that this idea would work for you. Great moneymaking ideas often look weird at the time you write them down. They only make sense while you're taking action and getting results.

4. Speak Your Journal -- Hear Yourself Think

There's another way you can journal: just talk. Talking your journal is a way of hearing yourself think. Thinking out loud creates a feedback loop; you'll always hear yourself say something totally new and surprising.
You can also use voice recognition software. If you haven't explored voice recognition software you'll find that it's quite inexpensive. Once you get used to it you'll love the extra dimension it gives your writing (and the way it lets you increase your income.)

5. Reread Your Journal and Comment on What You Wrote
The ideas which are stored in your journal will only work for you if you use them. I usually re-read my journals once or twice a month. When you re-reading, highlight passages and make notes in the margins.
When you're ready to put an idea into action, develop an action plan for it, and add the plan's tasks into your task management software, or your paper diary.
I hope this article inspires you to discover journal writing -- look on your journal as money in the bank, because it is.

More journals are available at


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