
Showing posts from July, 2020

First Step To Teach A Child To Read

As a parent, your time is valuable. All it takes for a child to read sentences is a few minutes per day of your time. The Reading head start program will give you the tools to read sentences for your child to read early. The first step in teaching your child to read before kindergarten is to know about the reading child requirements. Did you know that once a child can speak, you can start teaching your child to read. After your child can speak, your child can begin to develop the basic reading sentences skills. Your child has a natural instinct to learn about everything around them. Parents of a two year old child tried this teaching method. Within 8 months their two year old was reading a whole sentence on without any help from her parents. Would it be amazing to show your child how to her own; read sentences this early in life? Is your child's education important to you? An important tip on teaching your child to read sentences before kindergarten is finding the...

Gratitude and Entrepreneurs: How Should You Practice It?

Being an entrepreneur brings a lot of stress—you are loaded with so many responsibilities. Oftentimes, you find yourself barely having any time at all for the things and people you love. And that’s when things go haywire. To be successful in your business venture, you need to learn how to practice gratitude. You can use gratitude in so many ways that will really change how you run your business. Aside from that, it can make your life so much better. Manage Your Stress Indeed, managing a business can get really stressful, and we all know that stress has serious impacts on our overall health. The thing is, you can manage your stress without using any medications. Gratitude can help support physical and emotional health. It is true that grateful people experience fewer aches and pains. Moreover, they are less affected by negative emotions, such as envy, resentment, and frustration. Build Relationships In the business world, it is essential that you know how to create valuab...

Teach Child to Read - 2 Proven Methods

I know you have seen those products on TV showing babies reading at only a few months old, and if you are like me, you are wondering can these babies really read.  They can. Babies have a brain like a sponge. They are capable of learning a lot from birth to 6 years of age. So if you want to teach child to read , then now is a good time.  My cousin told me that his son began to read. He found that there are proven methods that will help his child to read.  1. Multi sensory method This consists of reading books, watching DVDs and power points. This helps your child learn by audio and visual stimulation.  2. Flash Card Method Write words in big print and show them to your baby as you read them. This will stimulate them and help them to read because babies learn at a rapid pace. He worked with his son every day. He was barely starting to talk, but he was sure it would work. In a matter of days he was reading some of the words.  He could either...

Five Vital Keys to Teach Kids to Read

Reading is an absolutely vital skill that we all need to function effectively in today's society. Whilst it is pleasing that most children develop into good readers, there are also far too many who struggle to become competent in this crucial skill. Statistics show that children who do not master the basics of reading by the end of the second grade often go through years of difficulty throughout their schooling and rarely catch up with their peers. Experiences of failure in the early years of education can unfortunately lead to a cycle of failure right through adolescence and into adulthood. The alarming fact is that many adults never reach their potential because they did not master the basics of reading in their early years of schooling. In the past there were many career options for those with poor literacy skills, but in the 21st century many of those jobs are simply not around any more. Don't let this happen to your child! The good news is that given appropri...

7 Tips on How to Teach Your Child to Read

Teaching your child how to read is crucial as reading is the basis for most future learning. Children who can read well and are confident in their reading will have a better kick start in school and also a more positive attitude towards learning in general. You as the parent or guardian play the most important role in your child's learning process as you are your kid's first teacher. There is a lot of information to be found on this matter and it can be confusing to know where to begin. Here are my top 7 tips that you can immediately implement to improve your child's reading: Tip 1 - Teach lower case letters for starters Nearly all ABC building blocks and books for young children and toddlers are written in uppercase letters. Yet ironically capital letters only count for about 5% of all letters in written English. So it is more important to put emphasis on lower case letters for developing reading skills. Tip 2 - Teach the sounds of letters along with their nam...

5 Easy Rituals To Turn Gratitude Into A Daily Habit

It’s so easy to take things for granted in life, especially when you have good health, a roof over your head, and food on your plate. It’s often not until something essential is taken away from you that you panic and realize how grateful you should have been for what you had, no matter how basic it seems. In our consumerist society, it is almost easier to be ungrateful than it is to be grateful! That’s because so much of what’s conditioned into us is about getting ahead, having more money, more power, and more things. There are so many things we want that we don’t have. I found out the hard way that gratitude really can transform your life. When you hit rock bottom, as I have in the past, you realize that gratitude is the single most powerful source of happiness and inspiration that you can tune into. Gratitude is something that can make a miracle out of your day, simply by stopping to pay attention to the beauty of small things. A huge change can occur in your life when you...

New Release of My Food Journal for Weight Loss Paperback Book 6 x 9 Inches

My Food Journal for Weight Loss  Paperback – July 8, 2020 My Food Journal is a 12 Weeks 84 Day Food + Fitness Journal.  It is a food and fitness themed self exploration journal that is designed to help you set and reach your weight loss goals, dig into your why and set a plan of action to achieve those goals. Each day includes space to record food, drink, carbs and fat intakes. What you ate, how much water you drank and exercise. These are all critical metrics for your weight loss.  There's a daily review how you perform every day and plan for tomorrow. Get a copy for yourself (and for a friend!) and get started today!It is simple, clear, easy to use, and very organized.  Now you can keep track of what you eat and how active you are, and evaluate what you can change about your diet and daily routines. Easily record your food consumption: breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. Monitor your daily water intake. Keep track of your daily activi...

How to teach a child to read

Small children's ability to learn is much greater than that of adults, and children's brains develop most up to 6 years of age. Your child can learn to read as easily as it can learn to speak.  Toddler Word Level Predicts Success Did you know kids prepare for their reading education years before even reading their first book? That’s because 90% of a child’s brain is developed by age three.  That means that by age three, a child’s vocabulary can predict third-grade reading proficiency. That’s why it’s so important to get started early using a system that works for kids! A child can absorb far more information than adults, and it is inquisitive and curious about life. The children who can fluent in several languages, teaches them often before the age of 6 years.  =>   Discover The #1 Subject Every Parent Needs To Teach Their Child At The Youngest Age Possible Why should I teach my child to read? Most consider reading at an early age ...

New Release of Lined Paperback Book 8 x 10 Inches

Love Peace Save Our Trees  Paperback – June 28, 2020 I love peace and save our tree is a 100 pages (50 sheets) of Lined Notebook Journal in size 8 x 10 inches. Enough room for writing notes, stories, and ideas. It can be used as a notebook, journal, diary, or composition book. This paperback notebook is 8" x 10" and has 100 wide ruled pages (50 sheets). Perfect gift for kids, students and teachers.